In case you missed it: Funding, study time, internships, dropout rates
by Jamie Raver on Jul 09 2010 Posted in In case you missed it
Obama's edcucation program faces $500M cut despite veto threat The Washington Post
House Democrats passed the bill to cut funding to Obama's "Race to the Top" program last Thursday. Despite a veto threat from the White House, the representatives believe the bill will preserve education jobs in areas where budgets are floundering.
House Democrats passed the bill to cut funding to Obama's "Race to the Top" program last Thursday. Despite a veto threat from the White House, the representatives believe the bill will preserve education jobs in areas where budgets are floundering.
See also: Edujobs: Three Card Monte Eduwonk
Edujobs or Race to Top: What's Worth More to States? Education Week
Teachers' jobs vs. Race to the Top? The Notebook blog
Edujobs or Race to Top: What's Worth More to States? Education Week
Teachers' jobs vs. Race to the Top? The Notebook blog
What happened to studying? The Boston Globe
Studies reveal that college students are studying significantly less than they did 50 years ago. But instead of pointing fingers at the Internet and technology, University of California professors Philip Babcock and Mindy Marks suggest that students arrive with underprepared study skills and anticipate entering a job market that is
Studies reveal that college students are studying significantly less than they did 50 years ago. But instead of pointing fingers at the Internet and technology, University of California professors Philip Babcock and Mindy Marks suggest that students arrive with underprepared study skills and anticipate entering a job market that is