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Friday, June 11, 2010

This Week In Education Thompson: Ignoring Poverty At Our Own Peril

This Week In Education

Thompson: Ignoring Poverty At Our Own Peril

500x_ebola_virus_emIt's the current fashion among so-called reformers to say we shouldn't define poverty as the problem because society doesn't have answers for problems of that magnitude and because the War on Poverty was criticized as social engineering. So the Duncan Administration mandates the turnaround of 10% of low-performing schools, dictating untested strategies (and that is not social engineering)?
But think of the advantage of defining the 17%

Teaching: Remembrance Of Cheating Past

ScreenHunter_05 Jun. 09 11.03A former teacher reflects on his first time catching a student cheating -- and goes back and interviews her about what happened years later

Quote: "The New Stupidity"
Quotes2 "Young people today are not stupid, they are bright and ambitious, but they are horribly cursed with a breathtakingly narrow frame of reference." -- NY Observer columnist Simon Doonan (The New Stupidity)