Latest News and Comment from Education

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Teacherpocalypse Reduced | Intercepts

Teacherpocalypse Reduced | Intercepts

Teacherpocalypse Reduced

There will be layoffs. They will number in the tens of thousands. But don’t be surprised if you start seeing a lot more stories like these:
* Maine – “Some Maine districts are making cuts in areas where staffing hasn’t been reduced in keeping with falling enrollments. Portland voters approved an $89.9 million school budget for the coming year that cuts 45 positions, including several special education jobs that exceeded recommended staffing levels.
“The statewide public school population has dropped from 250,000 students in the early 1970s to 189,000 students today, said David Connerty-Marin, spokesman for the Maine Department of Education.
“At the same time, the number of public school employees grew through 2007-08 and now stands at 38,000, said Jim Rier, finance and operations director at the state department.
“That means Maine schools have an average of one employee for every five students, and one teacher for every