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Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Answer Sheet - BP, Bloomberg and teachers: A parody

The Answer Sheet - BP, Bloomberg and teachers: A parody

BP, Bloomberg and teachers: A parody

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently said that top executives at BP should not be blamed for the gadzillions of gallons of oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico from the damaged offshore well.
"The guy who runs BP didn’t exactly go down there and blow up the well," the mayor said on his WOR radio show.
Bloomberg also recently backed away from his proposal to lay off more than 4,400 New York teachers, saying he would freeze salaries instead. The Department of Education still plans to cut nearly 2,000 teacher positions through attrition.
Here’s a news parody that Gary Babad, a clinical social worker, wrote on the NYC Public School Parents blog. Considering how nutty the actual news has been, you can forgive people who read this and thought it was true.

(GBN News): NY City Mayor Michael Bloomberg today reiterated his assertion that BP executives should not be blamed for the ongoing Gulf oil spill. But this time he went even further, telling reporters at a City Hall news