Latest News and Comment from Education

Thursday, May 13, 2010

This Week In Education Obama: Uncertain Commitment To Child Nutrition Push

This Week In Education

Obama: Uncertain Commitment To Child Nutrition Push

The new report has some serious policy implications. Yet the administration so far has shied away from getting its hands dirty in political and leg

Thompson: "A Social Union of Social Unions"

Big Sort graphicE.D. Hirsch, who kicked off the Al Shanker Institute’s "Conversation on Education for Democracy last week," recalled the wisdom of John Rawls that America is "a social union of social unions."
Indeed, America is made of "a lot of private clubs facing out on a big, open bazaar." But education need not limit itself to the clubs of the Gates’ and venture capitalists. They alone can find no short

AM News: LAUSD Barred From Laying Off Certain Teachers

6a00e54f8c25c988340120a7f7436e970b-200wiL.A. Unified barred from budgetary teacher layoffs at 3 schools LA Times: Court ruling is meant to help the poor-performing campuses, which have been badly hit by the fiscal crisis...[also on NPR this morning]... Several states stay off charter-school bandwagon AP: In her small timber town in northern Idaho, Christina Williams enrolled her son in the closest public school because she had few other choices near her home... MD 1st to bar schools releasing tests to military‎ AP: Maryland s the first state to pass a law prohibiting the automatic release of scores to military recruiters, some individual school district... Arizona gov. signs bill targeting ethnic studiesWashington Post: Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has signed a bill targeting a school district's ethnic studies program, hours after a report by United Nations human rights experts condemned the measure... Simple Techniques Can Make You A Great Teacher NPR: Conventional wisdom says that good teachers are born, not made. But Doug Lemov spent years observing highly effective teachers, and has developed a set of simple techniques that he says can make anyone a great teacher. His guide is Teach Like A Champion... China school attacks in 2010CNN: A man stabs eight students to death and wounds five others at an elementary school in Fujian province. The attacker, a former community doctor, was executed.

Quote: Charter Groups "Attack Every Hint Of Criticism"

Quotes2"No one's saying there are not some very good charter schools out there, but this "attack every hint of criticism" stuff is like using a sledgehammer to swat a fly." - Charles Lussier, Baton Rouge Advocate (see CER email below)
The Center for Education Reform

Dear Friends:

The Center for Education Reform responded quickly and decisively after The New York Timespublished an article that maligned charter schools using faulty and discredited data.