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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wikileaks Reminded Me That Most Teachers Are Cowards -

Wikileaks Reminded Me That Most Teachers Are Cowards -

Wikileaks Reminded Me That Most Teachers Are Cowards

Wikileaks has some pretty disturbing footage from Iraq showing an American helicopter gunship murdering many unarmed Iraqi civilians, several of whom were reporters. Beside the shear rage I felt watching human beings being eliminated with the levity that one associates with a violent video game by American military, I also realized the extreme jeopardy other people had taken to make this atrocity public. Julian Assange, one of the mild mannered founders of WikiLeaks described not only the surveillance that people working at WikiLeaks are under, but also the incredible courage it took for either soldiers in the army or person(s) at the Department of Defense in leaking this encrypted footage so that the public might be aware of this atrocity.

Here was a situation where some people were willing to put their lives on the line to blow the whistle on military war crimes in Iraq (and logically Afghanistan and Pakistan) that clearly has become standard operating procedure and shows a clear indifference to human life superceded by a perverse desire to get a high score in this game of death. Those brave people who reported this to WikiLeaks absolutely trusted that WikiLeaks would protect them from FBI, CIA, and a plethora of other governmental spooks that would like in the old Nixon Watergate mentality to plug the leaks.

Then of course...

... their are LAUSD certificated educators and classified staff who sit amongst themselves and bitch about the