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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Democracy In American Public Education -

Democracy In American Public Education -

Democracy In American Public Education

In the final analysis, the only advantage that democracy has over a much more efficient totalitarian system is the ability to teach its citizens to think out of the box by ensuring everyone has access to a great public education. The present glaring contradiction between attaining the pragmatism necessary for maintaining a viable democracy and our present education system is that it has not been able to fulfill the function of sufficiently educating the future citizens of this country for a long time. The only reason that it was able to get away with it for so long is that we only reached the physical boundaries of this incredibly rich country during the massive westward migration during and after WWII. Finally, waste of this country's most vital resource -- it's youth -- can no longer continue in what is becoming more and more a highly competitive world. The failed factory model that still holds sway of the majority of large urban public education systems in this country is that of a system that vests exclusive power in the leadership and steadfastly refuses to empower students, teachers, and parents who