Latest News and Comment from Education

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Quote: RTTT "Gimmicks" This Week In Education

This Week In Education

Quote: RTTT "Gimmicks"

"I am struck by how many of these [RTTT] things Texas does... and how little difference it's made in the overall quality of education in this state... They're gimmicks."
- Texas education reporter Kimberly Reeves

Turnarounds: Roundup Of Reactions

Tumblr_kyenckRENr1qa42jro1_500Here's a quick roundup of news coverage detailing reactions to the speech from teachers unions and the business community:

Obama: Controversial Speech Delivered Without Alteration

It must have been tempting to massage the text but President Obama retained the reference to the turnaround in Rhode Island that was in his prepared remarks. [He also, it should be noted, included strong language about the importance of teachers, the use of staff firings as a last resort, etc.] Transcript here.