Latest News and Comment from Education

Monday, March 15, 2010

NCLB: Reporters, Advocates, Respond to Obama Proposal This Week In Education

This Week In Education

NCLB: Reporters, Advocates, Respond to Obama Proposal

Educationx-largeHard to get all that excited about the Administration's NCLB replacement proposal, aka "the blueprint" or the "college- and career-ready" act, though I have to admit being curious and having nothing better to do than read over the coverage so far. As usual, initial coverage is all about reporters madly trying to understand and explain something new on a short deadline (and get good quotes), and advocates and bloggers positioning themselves to their best advantage (and give good quotes). Some of it's pretty yawny. Or maybe that's just me. But there are a couple of errors or mis-statements slipping in already, it seems.
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News: Turmoil Over States' Lists Of Worst Schools

Tempers may flare as worst-performing schools named Providence Journal: Turmoil recently broke out in Massachusetts when it released the names of the state’s 35 worst schools...Rhode Island was first to erupt, because of its much-hated law requiring districts to lay off by March 1 all teachers who MIGHT need to be actually laid off in the summer when budgets and enrollments are known.News2010
New funding projection could squeeze Obama's education agenda Washington Post: In the final push to pass a major student aid bill pending in Congress, funding for key elements in President Obama's education agenda is dwindling.
Schools Across U.S. Grapple With Closures NPR: Kansas City, Mo., has just approved one of the largest school closures in the nation's history. All over the U.S., the number of districts shutting schools is growing rapidly in the face of declines in both revenue and enrollment.
Senators critical of salary expenses at Boys & Girls Clubs of America Washington Post: Several Republican senators are questioning expenses at the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, a national nonprofit organization that receives millions of dollars in federal funding.