Latest News and Comment from Education

Sunday, February 14, 2010

New paradigm on education: focus on infants – NBBJ Insider - Archive

New paradigm on education: focus on infants – NBBJ Insider - Archive

Business leaders across the North Bay and California have invested countless dollars and hours in education.
But with many important exceptions, the efforts have not moved the needle in a substantive way.
The state’s K-12 system is one of the poorest performing in the nation. More than 30 percent of Latino boys drop out of high school. The number of college entrants is falling behind an ever-expanding need. Trade and other career educational programs are under attack. The state’s school bureaucracy is broken and non-responsive.
The consequence: California’s status as a world-class economy, built on its educational achievement, diverse population and leading companies, is under serious and immediate threat.
Now a growing number of business and academic leaders, among them the president of AT&T California, Ken McNeely, believe the solution is to reach back to the years before children even enter school.
Mr. McNeely, speaking to a recent early childhood education forum organized by the North Bay Leadership Council and First 5 programs from Sonoma and Marin counties, said he, too, was skeptical at first. Could investing in preschoolers really have that great an impact, or was it just another program destined to fail?
Other business leaders’ skepticism is equally reasonable, as they are being asked to invest dollars for a return they would not see in their work force for up to 20 years. And it is hard