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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mr. Cortines leave LAUSD now!

Mr. Cortines leave LAUSD now!
February 12, 6:01 AMLA Public Education ExaminerStuart Goldurs

According to the Los Angeles Times on February 12, 2010, you earned more than $150,000 last year for serving on the board of one of the nation's leading publshers. "Since Cortines' arrival, L.A. Unified has paid Scholastic more than $5.2 million for services and products, district records show."
Recently it was revealed that 1,700 temporary employees stayed on and their positions were funded after their jobs expired. The $200 million dollars that they received was a total loss and a waste for LAUSD. You are the man in charge, the person totally responsible for everything! 
The unions are extremely unhappy with you. Dropout rates are high. Layoffs are threatened. Furloughs are taking place. The out of the school bureaucrarcy remains intact. LAUSD does not know what to do with the poor performing schools, so they blame the teachers and are selling the schools to the highest bidders.