Marcos Breton: Sacramento city teachers need to share the pain - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee:
"The time is up.
Since 2002, the Sacramento City Unified School District has cut $144 million from its budget.
An additional $30 million in cutbacks loom. Like many districts around the region, Sac City is poised to blanket the area with pink slips.
For too long, the Sacramento City Teachers Association hasn't lifted a finger or sacrificed a dime as the district has been decimated.
Union leaders in the district focus on wages and benefits. And what benefits: Half the district's teachers pay a $5 co-pay for health insurance but get a $4 rebate on each expenditure.
The other half of the teachers? Their co-pay is $5.
If you're a district teacher for 10 years or more, you get health care benefits for life with no cap on costs.
That has created an unfunded health care liability of $552 million for the district.
It would have been great to ask union boss Linda Tuttle about all this, but she didn't return phone calls."
New Parent Group for Seattle Option Schools
A group of Option School parents have formed a new group, the Seattle
Student Options Coalition. The group also encourages teachers and
interested commun...
24 minutes ago