Khan Academy
The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit organization with the mission of providing a high quality education to anyone, anywhere.
We have 1000+ videos on YouTube covering everything from basic arithmetic and algebra to differential equations, physics, chemistry, biology and finance which have been recorded by Salman Khan.
Read a recent San Francisco Chronicle article about Salman Khan and the Khan Academy.
Listen to a recent interview by Salman with NPR's All Things Considered
Download the Khan Academy factsheet. You can also read more about the Khan Academy vision in this document.
The Khan Academy and Salman Khan have received a 2009 Tech Award in Education. The Tech Awards is an international awards program that honors innovators from around the world who are applying technology to benefit humanity.
Sal has just launched the alpha version (the software version of a first draft) of a new version of the old web app. Try it out if you're interested in practicing some of the concepts in the videos.. It requires a google account (not the login from the old app). The old, slow version is still available here.
To keep abreast of new videos as we add them, subscribe to the Khan Academy channel on YouTube.
New Parent Group for Seattle Option Schools
A group of Option School parents have formed a new group, the Seattle
Student Options Coalition. The group also encourages teachers and
interested commun...
22 minutes ago