Latest News and Comment from Education

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

WJUSD trustees await govs address - Daily Democrat Online

WJUSD trustees await govs address - Daily Democrat Online:

"Prior to the governor's State of the State address, California School Boards Association President Frank Pugh, will deliver more than 500 letters to the governor's office on Wednesday, describing the current state of California's schools.

Woodland Joint Unified School District Trustee Rosario Ruiz-Dark said the board didn't have an opportunity to meet and draft a letter for submission, but will most certainly be discussing the outcome of Gov. Arnold Schwarzennegger's address during the next board meeting.

Board members, superintendents and educators from throughout the state have written letters asking lawmakers to refrain from cutting from education to balance the 2010-11 budget, after the cuts schools endured from the 2009-10 budget.

Each letter outlines the severe cuts local schools have been forced to endure and asks the governor to make California's more than 6 million students a priority. The WJUSD board of trustees has already been handed the task of making nearly $10 million in cuts since the 2008-09 school year."