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Tuesday, January 5, 2010 | News. Investigation. Analysis. Conversation. Intelligence. - Schools Won't Race to the Top | News. Investigation. Analysis. Conversation. Intelligence. - Schools Won't Race to the Top:

"While more than half of the school districts, county education offices and charter schools in California have sent letters that could help the state in its bid for more school stimulus dollars, San Diego Unified has decided against signing on so far, with only a few days left before its deadline to join.

That means that unless San Diego Unified changes its mind, it will not get a slice of extra stimulus money if California wins more under the first round of Race to the Top, a stiff competition for federal money for schools. The school district could, however, have a shot at the dollars if California wins in the second round after losing out in the first -- but it would still have to sign on to the favored reforms.

Why is San Diego Unified sitting it out? Spokesman Bernie Rhinerson said there are too many unknowns about what California will require schools to do with the money and what, if anything, the changes would actually cost the school district. Some of the favored changes, such as tying test scores to teacher evaluation, are unpopular with the San Diego Unified board."