- Audit Committee: Keep the Fraud Hotline Going
Outside experts who help oversee audits and finances in San Diego Unified agreed unanimously today: Cutting the fraud hotline is a bad idea, even if it saves some money up front.
Getting rid of the hotline was one of many recommendations from an internal team that scrubbed the San Diego Unified budget to find savings as it faces down a deficit that could run up to roughly $200 million.County Treasurer and Tax Collector Dan McAllister, who chairs the school district audit committee, said it didn't make sense to cut the hotline. Audit director Andrea Niehaus estimates that it cost $11,000 but has helped save more than it cost.McAllister plans to give their recommendation to the school board on Friday.-- EMILY ALPERT
Posted in Schooled, This just in on Thursday, December 10, 2009 2:10 pm.
- Bright and Early
- One of my alma maters, Academic Magnet High School in Charleston, S.C., made it onto the annual ranking of top high schools. Go Raptors! Those and other details in your daily newsblitz:We blogged that at the third budget forum held by San Diego Unified, some parents called for a halt to testing to save money. There was no big news at the fourth meeting, but you can check out what was said at my Twitter feed.