Parents Unite Behind Race To The Top Funds
"SAN DIEGO — Groups of San Diego County parents are uniting behind an education reform strategy that could earn California $700 million of federal stimulus grants."
The federal grants are called Race To The Top funds. California stands to get a chunk of the $4 billion program. However, state lawmakers must first change a number of education laws so California can be eligible.
Changes to those laws allow the state to lift a cap on charter schools, link teacher performance to student test scores and turnaround failing schools.
A growing number of San Diego County parents are pushing community leaders to support the changes. Groups such as Californians for Quality Education and Voices For Our Kids are backing the Race To The Top movement.
Heather Cox Richardson: Bloody Sunday and Voting Rights
In this post, historian Heather Cox Richardson reminds us of the struggle
to secure voting rights for Black Americans, as she commemorates the
anniversary ...
9 hours ago