CPR: Feature News Story Johnson's First Year: Struggle to Build Consensus Slows Agenda:
"This week marks one year since Kevin Johnson became mayor of Sacramento. It’s Johnson’s first elected office, so he’s had to learn on the job. Over the last year, Johnson has made progress on several fronts: He addressed Sacramento’s highly publicized homelessness problem and helped the city avoid police and fire layoffs. But Johnson’s struggle to build consensus at City Hall is slowing his agenda.
One Year Through the Lens of a Single Week
If you want to know what Kevin Johnson’s first year as mayor has been like, check out two starkly different events from the first week of November, 2009."
Heather Cox Richardson: Bloody Sunday and Voting Rights
In this post, historian Heather Cox Richardson reminds us of the struggle
to secure voting rights for Black Americans, as she commemorates the
anniversary ...
9 hours ago