Alameda Sun - Ed Board Mulls Over New Curriculum:
"Alameda Unified School District board of education members were presented with a recommendation for an anti-bullying and harassment curriculum to be taught in Alameda's schools at its Nov. 24 meeting. The new curriculum, if passed, would replace the controversial Lesson 9, the lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender (LGBT) anti-bullying and harassment curriculum that the school board approved earlier this year.
Though board discussion on the possible new curriculum lasted for nearly two and a half hours, board members still seemed unsure of how exactly the curriculum, if approved, would be implemented. Last August, AUSD Superintendant Kristin Vital asked Interim Assistant Superintendant Ruben Zepeda to investigate a new curriculum. The new program would help teachers educate students on why they should not bully or harass people in the six protected classes mentioned in California's Education Code 200: disability, gender, nationality, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation. The new curriculum would have to explicitly address how not to bully or harass these six groups."
Heather Cox Richardson: Bloody Sunday and Voting Rights
In this post, historian Heather Cox Richardson reminds us of the struggle
to secure voting rights for Black Americans, as she commemorates the
anniversary ...
9 hours ago