Rancho Cordova calls plan for homeless at Mather poorly conceived - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News Sacramento Bee:
"A plan to use deteriorating cottages at Mather Community Campus for winter shelter for homeless families was poorly thought out and won't mesh with an existing transitional homeless shelter at the site, Rancho Cordova city officials warned Monday night.
'Western exposures are rotting,' Vice Mayor Ken Cooley said of the cottages. 'There are premises that are appallingly filled with mold. There are no stoves or refrigerators.' Boards in play areas have nails sticking out, he said.
'It's not clear to me that anyone has actually thought that through,' Cooley said."
"A plan to use deteriorating cottages at Mather Community Campus for winter shelter for homeless families was poorly thought out and won't mesh with an existing transitional homeless shelter at the site, Rancho Cordova city officials warned Monday night.
'Western exposures are rotting,' Vice Mayor Ken Cooley said of the cottages. 'There are premises that are appallingly filled with mold. There are no stoves or refrigerators.' Boards in play areas have nails sticking out, he said.
'It's not clear to me that anyone has actually thought that through,' Cooley said."