Inside Education: Service learning alive and well in Tracy Unified - ContraCostaTimes.com:
"DESPITE THE state's ongoing budget crisis, a number of programs, such as Tracy Unified's service learning, are actually thriving.
Of course, it helps to be funded by a federal grant that has nothing to do with California's budget mess.
The grant allows the service learning program to offer mini grants to participating schools to fund projects such as the community gardens at Freiler and North schools.
Those gardens give students a number of academic challenges, along with the a chance to get their hands dirty and provide fresh vegetables for the less fortunate — which is the idea behind the project, mixing academics and community service."
"DESPITE THE state's ongoing budget crisis, a number of programs, such as Tracy Unified's service learning, are actually thriving.
Of course, it helps to be funded by a federal grant that has nothing to do with California's budget mess.
The grant allows the service learning program to offer mini grants to participating schools to fund projects such as the community gardens at Freiler and North schools.
Those gardens give students a number of academic challenges, along with the a chance to get their hands dirty and provide fresh vegetables for the less fortunate — which is the idea behind the project, mixing academics and community service."