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Friday, October 30, 2009

Michelle Obama Reaps Bonanza From White House Garden -- Politics Daily

Michelle Obama Reaps Bonanza From White House Garden -- Politics Daily:

"The White House garden, a project of First Lady Michelle Obama's East Wing, was planted last April. As of Thursday, when Mrs. Obama presided over the fall harvest, it had produced 963 pounds of food.

When the grades come in on President Obama's first year in office -- and next Wednesday marks the anniversary of his election -- the garden on the South Lawn should get an A (as in arugula) because it was one heck of a good idea.

The garden has been great PR for Mrs. Obama, providing a non-controversial, picturesque backdrop to talk about her inter-related issues -- healthy eating, exercise, obesity, eating locally produced food, plugging the Obama health reform plan pending in Congress and opening up the White House to the community."