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Monday, September 4, 2023



David Hecker, former President of AFT Michigan, has a message for unions: be more than just a safety net for workers. In a recent article for the Detroit Free Press, Hecker argues that unions must have a "transformational vision" for how they engage with their members and the public. But what does that mean? And more importantly, how can unions make it happen? 

First of all, let's talk about what Hecker means by "transformational vision." Essentially, he's saying that unions need to be more than just reactive. They can't just wait around for something to go wrong on the job and then swoop in to provide support. Instead, they need to be proactive. They need to be thinking about the big picture. They need to be working to create real change in the world. 

So how can unions do that? Well, according to Hecker, there are a few key things they need to do. First of all, they need to expand their scope. They can't just be focused on traditional labor issues like wages and benefits. They need to be thinking about emerging issues like artificial intelligence and climate change. They need to be at the forefront of these conversations, pushing for policies that will benefit workers and the planet. 

Secondly, unions need to be more collaborative. They can't just work in isolation. They need to partner with other organizations that are working towards similar goals. This means joining forces with environmental groups, civil rights organizations, and other progressive movements. By working together, they can build a stronger, more powerful movement that can effect real change. 

Finally, unions need to be more engaged with their members. They can't just sit back and expect their members to show up for rallies and picket lines. They need to be actively engaging with them, listening to their concerns, and working to address them. This means creating more opportunities for members to get involved in union activities and decision-making processes. 

Now, I know what you're thinking: "But unions are so boring! How can they possibly be funny?" Well, my friend, let me tell you: there is nothing funnier than a group of workers coming together to demand better treatment from their bosses. It's like a real-life version of The Office, but with higher stakes and more dramatic tension. 

In conclusion, David Hecker is right: unions need to be more than just insurance agencies for workers. They need to have a vision for how they can create real change in the world. And while that may sound daunting, it's also an opportunity for unions to show their members and the public what they're really made of. So let's get out there and demand better treatment for workers everywhere – and have a few laughs while we're at it!

AFT leader: Labor unions must make most of this chance for progress