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Wednesday, September 27, 2023





Are you tired of your kids being glued to their phones all day? Do you miss the days when they actually talked to you instead of texting? Well, fear not, because I've got some hilarious tips to help you navigate the world of screen time and keep your kids from turning into phone zombies.

First things first, let's talk about when to give your child their first cellphone. My advice? Wait until they're at least 30. Just kidding (kind of). In all seriousness, it really depends on your child and their maturity level. If they're responsible and can handle the responsibility of having a phone, then go for it. But if they're constantly losing things and forgetting to do their homework, maybe hold off for a bit.

Once you've decided to take the plunge and give your child a phone, it's important to set some ground rules. For example, no phones at the dinner table. Unless you want to hear the sound of your child's phone vibrating against the table for the entire meal. And let's be real, nobody wants that.

Another important rule is no phones in the bathroom. Trust me, you don't want to know what kind of weird stuff your kid is looking up while they're in there. And if you do happen to catch them on their phone in the bathroom, just pretend you didn't see anything. It's better for everyone involved.

Now, let's talk about managing phone use. One tip is to set limits on how much time your child can spend on their phone each day. But let's be honest, that's easier said than done. So instead, try to find ways to encourage them to put their phone down and have some face-to-face conversations. For example, you could start randomly yelling "phone break!" throughout the day and then make everyone put their phones away for 10 minutes. It's like a mini digital detox.

Finally, let's talk about social media. It's no secret that social media can be a breeding ground for drama and negativity. But it can also be a great way for your child to connect with friends and family. So how do you strike a balance? My advice is to encourage your child to follow funny meme accounts and pet Instagrams. Because let's be real, who doesn't love a good cat video?

In all seriousness, screen time can be a tricky thing to navigate as a parent. But with a little bit of humor and some ground rules, you can help your child have a healthy and responsible relationship with their phone. And who knows, maybe they'll even start talking to you again.

Cellphones and Devices: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers | Common Sense Media 

Common Sense Phone Report: Questions For Parents To Ask Teens 

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