Latest News and Comment from Education

Thursday, August 3, 2023




Arizona's Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) school voucher program has been hacked! Well, not literally hacked, but it has definitely jacked the Arizona public education budget and stacked MAGA madness. Let's take a closer look at this controversial program that has both supporters and opponents scratching their heads.

First things first, what the heck is the ESA program? It's a school choice program that allows parents to use state funding to pay for private school tuition, homeschooling expenses, or other educational services. Basically, it's like a choose-your-own-adventure book for your child's education. Except instead of flipping pages, you're flipping bills.

Now, who is eligible for the ESA program? It varies depending on the year, but in general, students who are enrolled in a public school in Arizona and who meet certain academic or financial requirements are eligible. So, if your kid is struggling in public school, you might be able to use ESA funds to send them to a private school where they can struggle in a more expensive setting. Yay?

But how much money do ESA students actually receive? Well, that depends on their grade level and whether they have special needs. In 2023-2024, students in grades K-5 receive $6,400, students in grades 6-8 receive $6,700, and students in grades 9-12 receive $7,000. Students with special needs receive additional funding based on their individual needs. So, if your child has a special need like being really good at math, they might be eligible for more funding. Lucky them!

What can ESA funds be used for? They can be used to pay for private school tuition, homeschooling expenses, or other educational services. This includes things like tutoring, curriculum, and educational materials. Basically, anything that can help your child learn and grow. Or, you know, buy them a fancy new calculator.

Now, let's talk about the pros and cons of the ESA program. Proponents of the program argue that it gives parents more choice and flexibility in their children's education. They also argue that the program can help to improve educational outcomes for students who are struggling in public schools. Opponents of the program argue that it diverts funding away from public schools and that it can lead to segregation. They also argue that the program is not well-regulated and that there is a risk that it will be used to fund religious schools. So basically, it's a choose-your-own-adventure book with some pretty big plot holes.

But what is the future of the ESA program? That's anyone's guess. The program has been challenged in court and there is a possibility that it could be repealed. However, the program is also popular with some parents and there is a possibility that it could be expanded in the future. So, it's like a cliffhanger at the end of a book. Will the program survive? Will it be expanded? Will it turn out that the whole thing was just a dream?

In conclusion, the ESA program is a complex issue with both pros and cons. It's important to weigh the arguments for and against the program before making a decision about whether or not to participate. Or you could just flip a coin and hope for the best. After all, isn't life just one big choose-your-own-adventure book?

Tom Horne employee implicated in breach that exposed ESA data | 

New warning about school voucher program in Arizona - YouTube 





The Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) school voucher program in Arizona:

* **What is the ESA program?**

The ESA program is a school choice program that allows parents to use state funding to pay for private school tuition, homeschooling expenses, or other educational services. The program was created in 2011 and has been expanded several times since then.

* **Who is eligible for the ESA program?**

Eligibility for the ESA program varies depending on the year. In general, students who are enrolled in a public school in Arizona and who meet certain academic or financial requirements are eligible for the program.

* **How much money does an ESA student receive?**

The amount of money that an ESA student receives depends on the student's grade level and whether they have special needs. In 2023-2024, students in grades K-5 receive $6,400, students in grades 6-8 receive $6,700, and students in grades 9-12 receive $7,000. Students with special needs receive additional funding based on their individual needs.

* **What can ESA funds be used for?**

ESA funds can be used to pay for private school tuition, homeschooling expenses, or other educational services. This includes things like tutoring, curriculum, and educational materials.

* **What are the pros and cons of the ESA program?**

Proponents of the ESA program argue that it gives parents more choice and flexibility in their children's education. They also argue that the program can help to improve educational outcomes for students who are struggling in public schools.

Opponents of the ESA program argue that it diverts funding away from public schools and that it can lead to segregation. They also argue that the program is not well-regulated and that there is a risk that it will be used to fund religious schools.

* **What is the future of the ESA program?**

The ESA program is a controversial program and its future is uncertain. The program has been challenged in court and there is a possibility that it could be repealed. However, the program is also popular with some parents and there is a possibility that it could be expanded in the future.

The ESA program is a complex issue with both pros and cons. It is important to weigh the arguments for and against the program before making a decision about whether or not to participate.


The ESA school voucher program in Arizona. This is a program that allows parents to use public funds to pay for their children's education in private schools, online programs, or other educational services. Here are some facts and information about the program:

  • - The ESA program was created in 2011 and initially only served students with disabilities. It has since expanded to include other groups of students, such as those from low-income families, military families, foster children, and Native American students living on reservations¹.
  • - In 2022, the Arizona legislature passed a bill that made the ESA program universal, meaning that any student who lives in Arizona and could enroll in a public school is eligible to receive an ESA voucher². The bill was signed into law by Governor Doug Ducey on July 7, 2022³.
  • - The ESA program is funded by the state general fund and federal funds. The amount of the voucher varies depending on the student's grade level and disability status, but it is generally 90% of the base level funding that the state provides to public schools⁴. For non-special needs students, the average ESA award was $6,148 in fiscal year 2019⁵, compared to the average per pupil spending of $10,120 in public schools⁶.
  • - The ESA program is administered by the Arizona Department of Education (ADE), which reviews applications, verifies eligibility, distributes funds, monitors expenditures, and conducts audits. Parents receive an ESA debit card that they can use to pay for approved educational expenses, such as tuition, fees, textbooks, curriculum, tutoring, therapy, testing, and transportation⁷.
  • - The ESA program is subject to some regulations and accountability measures. For example, parents must sign a contract with ADE agreeing to provide their children with instruction in reading, grammar, math, social studies, and science. They must also agree not to enroll their children in a public school or receive any other state-funded scholarships while using an ESA. They must submit quarterly expense reports and receipts to ADE and participate in standardized testing if required by law⁸.
  • - The ESA program has been controversial and debated among various stakeholders. Supporters of the program argue that it empowers parents to choose the best educational option for their children, especially those who are dissatisfied with or underserved by public schools. They also claim that the program saves money for taxpayers and public schools by reducing enrollment and operational costs⁹. Opponents of the program contend that it diverts public funds from public schools to private schools that are not accountable to the same standards and regulations. They also assert that the program undermines the quality and equity of public education and violates the separation of church and state by funding religious schools[^10^].
  • - The ESA program has faced several legal challenges and political campaigns. In 2014, the Arizona Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the program against a lawsuit that claimed it violated a provision in the state constitution that prohibits public money from being used for religious instruction or worship¹¹. In 2018, a citizen initiative called Proposition 305 sought to repeal the expansion of the program that was passed by the legislature in 2017. However, voters rejected the proposition by a margin of 65% to 35%, effectively keeping the expansion intact¹². In 2022, a group called Save Our Schools Arizona announced its intention to launch a referendum campaign to block the universal expansion of the program that was signed into law by Governor Ducey. The group needs to collect at least 118,823 valid signatures by September 24, 2022 to qualify for the November 2024 ballot¹³.

Bing, 8/3/2023

(1) Arizona - Empowerment Scholarship Accounts - EdChoice.

(2) Empowerment Scholarship Account | Arizona Department of Education.

(3) Vouchers | Arizona Department of Education.

(4) Arizona Gov. Hobbs: ESA school voucher program 'unsustainable' -

(5) Arizona governor signs universal school voucher program into law.

(6) Arizona - Empowerment Scholarship Accounts - EdChoice.

(7) Can Arizona afford its school voucher program? The Gaggle reports.

(8) School vouchers are popular in Arizona for a reason -

(9) Arizona Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA).

(10) Parent Handbook - Arizona Department of Education.

(11) Arizona - Empowerment Scholarship Accounts - EdChoice.

(12) Eligibility Requirements & Application - Arizona Department of Education.

(13) The Public School Benefits of Education Savings Accounts.

(14) Ducey signs universal school vouchers into law; public education ....

(15) “Alt-Schools Fiasco”: Arizona’s Universal ESA Voucher Scheme Will ....

(16) School's out forever: Arizona moves "to kill public education" with new ....