TN Schools and CACFP Organizations and Resources - Nutrition (CA Dept of Education)TN Schools and CACFP Organizations and Resources

The California Department of Education (CDE) Nutrition Services Division is pleased to inform you about the U.S. Department of Agriculture Team Nutrition (TN) Schools and TN Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Organizations. These organizations are part of an important network committed to providing healthy meals and environments for program participants. Joining the network is free and easy and members can request free nutrition resources.
During the month of May, enrolled members will receive an email on how to request free printed copies of the following resources:
- TN Schools Organizations
- Discover New Foods Decals
- Fueling My Life Decals
- Make Today a Try-Day! Stickers
- MyPlate Nate and Kate School Lunch Stickers
- Launch Your Day with Breakfast! Stickers
- TN CACFP Organizations
- CACFP Trainer’s Tool: Serving Milk bingo-style training, available in English and Spanish
- Make Today a Try-Day! Stickers
- Discover New Foods Decal
CACFP Trainer’s Tool: Serving Milk bingo can also be accessed on the CACFP Trainer’s Tools web page
The stickers and decals can also be accessed on the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Tools and Resources web page
by using the search function.
For more information about joining TN Schools, visit the USDA TN Schools web page
For more information about joining TN CACFP, visit the USDA TN CACFP web page
Contact Information
If you have questions about these resources, please contact TN by email at
Questions: Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
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TN Schools and CACFP Organizations and ResourcesThe California Department of Education (CDE) Nutrition Services Division is pleased to inform you about the U.S. Department of Agriculture Team Nutrition (TN) Schools and TN Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) organizations and resources.
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Nutrition - Learning Support (CA Dept of Education) -