Latest News and Comment from Education

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Steve Hinnefeld: Indiana Legislators Preparing to Expand Failed Voucher Program | Diane Ravitch's blog

Steve Hinnefeld: Indiana Legislators Preparing to Expand Failed Voucher Program | Diane Ravitch's blog
Indiana Legislators Preparing to Expand Failed Voucher Program

Steve Hinnefeld warns that Republican legislators in Indiana are laying the groundwork to expand the state’s failed voucher program. The research on vouchers in many states has been consistent: Students who use vouchers fall behind their peers in public schools. Those who continue to push vouchers are either ideologues, religious zealots, or paid to do so. We know that they don’t help students. Increasingly the students who take vouchers already attend religious schools or planned to, and they are getting public money to pay private tuition.

Indiana legislators like to fund failure.

Don’t be surprised if lawmakers try to expand Indiana’s already generous private school voucher program in 2021. They’re signaling their intention with the issues surveys they send to constituents.

At least eight House Republicans include this question in their surveys, which are posted on their internet sites: “Do you support increasing the income eligibility for Indiana’s CONTINUE READING: Steve Hinnefeld: Indiana Legislators Preparing to Expand Failed Voucher Program | Diane Ravitch's blog