There Can Be No Safe and Just Re-opening Without Communities and Educators Working Together
Today, August 3, is the National Day of Resistance by the Demand Safe Schools Coalition. This coalition, a nationwide partnership between community advocacy groups and educator unions, has "come together to unite students, educators, parents and community to advance a racial justice agenda in public education, in particular by organizing for police-free schools. We’re working to galvanize a strong and growing student/educator/parent/community voice; a voice that says the government must go much further to provide the resources to ensure a safe and equitable school reopening and must provide for our communities and working families through transformational Common Good demands."

Coalition members released 8 demands for today's Day of Resistance, the result of extensive discussion and deliberation among stakeholders:
- No reopening until the scientific data supports it
- Police-free schools
- All schools must be supported to function as community schools with adequate numbers of counselors and nurses and community/parent outreach workers
- Safe conditions including lower class sizes, PPE, cleaning, testing, and other key protocols Equitable access to online learning
- Support for our communities and families, including canceling rents and mortgages, a moratorium on evictions/foreclosures, providing direct cash assistance to those not able to work or who are unemployed, and other critical social needs
- Moratorium on new charter or voucher programs and standardized testing
- Massive infusion of federal money to support the reopening funded by taxing billionaires and Wall Street
- Equitable access to online learning
This is a pivotal moment for communities and the public schools that serve them. Only by working together can we both tackle the present COVID-19 crisis and the long-standing problems of overpolicing, inequity and racism affecting our public education system.
Actions today are taking place at three dozen locations across the country: find one near you and join up!
There Can Be No Safe and Just Re-opening Without Communities and Educators Working Together | Schott Foundation for Public Education