De-professionalizing Public Schools During Covid-19: The Problem with Bill Gates’s Projects
Many fear that the Gates Foundation is using this pandemic to end public education once and for all. De-professionalizing schools is an excellent way to do it. Covid-19 has made it easier for venture philanthropists to de-professionalize public education.

Great public schools require staffing with professionals who attend real universities and study the profession they practice. Public schools are not charities. They must not rely on young people who look at temporarily serving schools like joining the Peace Corps.
During this pandemic, it’s not a good move for schools to use online novices to replace professionals, but this is becoming a worrisome trend.
Bill Gates argues that high school students need college and career advisement during this difficult time. To his and his foundation’s credit, they’ve provided students with college scholarships. But his foundation is not supportive of public education, as most know.
Mr. Gates is now using the college message to fund nonprofits that will provide an CONTINUE READING: De-professionalizing Public Schools During Covid-19: The Problem with Bill Gates’s Projects