“Everyone had a reason for everything they did, even if that reason was sometimes stupidity.”
― Fractured
― Fractured
“A writer, like a sheriff, is the embodiment of a group of people and without their support both are in a tight spot.”
― Another Man’s Moccasins
― Another Man’s Moccasins
Why is that Nashville is incapable of holding a school board election without the subject of charter rising up like the ghost of Christmas past? Whether it’s a special appointment by the metro council or a full-fledged election season undertaking, charter schools continue to set the agenda for school board elections at the expense of other more pressing concerns.
Recently metro council appointed Dr. Berthena Nabaa-McKinney to fill the vacated position of Anna Shepherd on the MPS School Board. Despite having two very strong candidates competing for the position, strategies did not center around discovering the best candidate, but rather on how to make sure a charter school-centric candidate did not secure the position. As a result, the victory dance wasn’t for the appointment of a highly qualified school board member, but rather for stopping another imagined attack from the charter school army. Who won was reduced to an afterthought, CONTINUE READING: ANOTHER ROLL ON THE HAMSTER WHEEL – Dad Gone Wild