The president of the American Federation of Teachers Randi Weingarten has decided to go against her own union’s official position and join her centrist Democratic allies in opposing national health care, also known as Medicare for All.
In 2018, the AFT approved a resolution in support of defending and expanding the Affordable Care Act, then under attack by the Republicans.
RESOLVED, that the AFT reaffirms that the most sensible and cost-effective solution for health coverage is a single-payer system modeled after the federal Medicare system, such as that proposed by S.B. 1804 and H.R. 676; and
RESOLVED, that the AFT will educate and mobilize its members and our broader community to support universal healthcare coverage.
On Monday, Weingarten wrote a commentary for Politico defending work-based health insurance and therefore opposing Medicare for All, calling them “false choices.”
Like many other labor leaders, I have sat across a bargaining CONTINUE READING: The AFT’s Randi Weingarten attacks Medicare for All. – Fred Klonsky