Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers. Troy LaRaviere returns to the show

Troy LaRaviere was on our first Hitting Left over two years ago.
This makes his third visit, his first since a try at running for Chicago Mayor.
Rahm hadn’t yet dropped out when Troy announced.
On this week’s radio broadcast/podcast Troy spends some time reflecting on why his campaign didn’t play out the way many hoped.
But his attention is now on his role at leader of the Chicago Principles and Administrators Association.
And he has this key question: Why is Chicago at the bottom of the list of Illinois schools when it comes to staffing and in the top 20% when it comes to funding?
As for the new Mayor, Troy voted for Preckwinkle both times.
But he is excited by the members of the board that Mayor Lightfoot has chosen.
He supports an elected school board, but like me is was not thrilled with the Martwick vision of a board. He shares some of the Mayor’s concerns and adds a few of his own.
I pointed out that the CTU and others have blasted the Mayor’s opposition to the Martwick elected school board bill.
“We want a board that is representative and competent,” he told us. But an election alone will not bring us that. “We have a city council that is elected but is neither representative of the people nor competent.”
Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers. Troy LaRaviere returns to the show. – Fred Klonsky