Sacramento City Teachers to Strike April 11
Sacramento educators will walk off the job and onto picket lines Thursday, April 11, for a one-day strike to force Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) to honor their contract and stop committing illegal actions that hurt students, teachers and the community.

The strike will occur a mere 16 months after Sacramento City Teachers Association (SCTA) and the district reached a historic contract agreement that prioritized students and their learning conditions. Since that time, SCUSD Superintendent Jorge Aguilar and the Sac City school board have backtracked on the agreement and engaged in at least 30 unfair labor practices, giving SCTA no choice but to take direct action. SCTA is demanding that Aguilar and school board members keep their promises by honoring the contract and providing lower class sizes and more student supports.
Unless the district suddenly decides to live up to its agreement, Sac City will be the first #RedForEd-era strike in the U.S. over unfair labor practices and a school district reneging on a contract. SCTA says they have been forced to this point by SCUSD’s continued unlawful actions, including:
- Refusing to honor the collective bargaining agreement approved by both sides in December 2017, which included class-size reductions and increased numbers of school nurses and psychologists, violating the contract;
- Refusing to meet at reasonable times and places with representatives the educators have elected to have represent them, and attempting to dictate who the teachers have represent them at the bargaining table;
- Making unilateral and unlawful changes to the wages and working conditions of teachers without bargaining;
- Failing to send district representatives to the bargaining table who have the authority to negotiate on behalf of the district, rendering bargaining meaningless.
SCTA also filed a lawsuit against SCUSD for violating the state’s open meeting laws while considering and ultimately voting to terminate CONTINUE READING: Sacramento City Teachers to Strike April 11 - California Educator