Union-bashing charter operator wants equitable school funding? C’mon.

No sooner had I posted the testimony that Bev Johns’ will deliver later today before an Illinois House Committee on SB1 (scroll down) when I came upon Michael Milkie’s op-ed in the Sun-Times.
Some legislators – even progressive ones – are confused about SB1 since it has been sold as bringing equity to state school funding.
It does no such thing.
It simply redivides crumbs but fails to provide adequacy.
First a word about Milkie.
He heads Chicago’s largest network of charter schools. When Andrew Broy, president of the Illinois Network of Charter Schools tells the Tribune, “Chicago has become the epicenter of charter union organizing in the country,” he certainly has Milkie’s Noble Charters in mind.
Noble and Milkie are the epicenter of charter teacher union resistance.
Charter teacher union ChiACTS’ President Chris Baehrend, writing today in theUnion-bashing charter operator wants equitable school funding? C’mon. | Fred Klonsky: