Diane Ravitch News Archives 1975-86
This past week has been eventful for me. One major challenge involves renovating in my house the one room that took water during the August 2016 Louisiana flooding. (I removed furniture, carpet, and the wet sheet rock in August 2016 and waited until summer 2017 when I would be off of school to confront the tedious necessity of renovation.)
The room in question was once a porch and is on a slab that sits 3 1/2 inches lower than the rest of the house. The real problem was that the space between the two slabs had never been properly sealed.
It is now, I am happy to report, and I am in the process of painting the repaired walls and new baseboards.
The second major event occurred even as I was in the throes of the aforementioned renovation: My computer decided that it would no longer take a charge. So, I excused myself to my contractor and headed to Best Buy to purchase a new computer.
The old computer is on borrowed time; once the battery dies, the computer is dead unless someone replaces the malfunctioning port (which would cost almost as much to fix as my new computer cost me). I also purchased a flash drive so that I could remove files from my terminal laptop while I still had time.
That brings us to the point of this post.
One of the folders from my old computer includes 39 archived news articles/op-eds written by education historian Diane Ravitch from 1975 to 1986. In April 2017, I had temporary free access (one week) to the news archival service, newspaperarchive.com; before my free access expired, I spent a few evenings downloading the Ravitch writings for posterity’s sake.

Below are all 39 files in alphabetical order according to the name of the newspaper in which each appears. This is not an exhaustive inventory of Ravitch news articles from Diane Ravitch News Archives 1975-86 | deutsch29: