If I Ever Leave Teaching it Will Be Because of the Adults, Not the Kids
by Kelly LaLonde

Originally posted at: https://urbanesl.wordpress.com/2017/05/18/if-i-ever-leave-teaching-it-will-be-because-of-the-adults-not-the-kids/
A Facebook “On This Day” popped up in my newsfeed today. Normally I dismiss them, but today’s subject gave me pause.
3 years ago I sat down at my computer and started writing. I was upset about work and needed to find a way to work out my frustrations.
I rarely listen to music, but that day I’d heard TuPac blasting in the hallway.
Have you ever heard the story of the rose that grew from the crack in the concrete? It learned to walk without havin feet.
The result was On East High, my first viral blog post.
Could that have really been 3 years ago?
One of the hallmarks of a good teacher is reflection. I’ve always believed that if a lesson fails, it is my fault. I sit and think about the ways in which it failed and what that means for my students. Was the task too difficult? Was it interesting enough? Did they know why what they were learning was important?
When On East High went viral, District personnel reached out for my opinions on what we needed to do to change our schools. I sat in on countless meetings, spent hours on emails and even spoke at multiple conferences. Little by little those meetings and those “interests” have died down. If anything, I find that my professionalism and commitment to my students is challenged more than ever.
The District just can’t seem to honestly and openly reflect on why it is failing.
When no one even cared-the rose grew from the concrete-keeping all these dreams.
I still have never been paid the correct salary.
I still have battles over sick time and personal days.
My students are still not being given their mandated services.
I give ESOL services to students who speak NO OTHER Badass Teachers Association: If I Ever Leave Teaching it Will Be Because of the Adults, Not the Kids by Kelly LaLonde: