Automated Education + Chasing Skills + Debt = Social Control

Originally posted to Facebook November 2015:
I posted the scenario below in November of 2015 as a Facebook note. Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve come across a number of items having to do with skills, automation, and human capital management, so I thought I will pull it back out to share. Below are a couple of articles that caught my eye:
Article 1: New Tools Needed to Track Technologies Impact on Jobs, Panel Says by Steve Lohr of the New York Times
Article 2: The EIDCC, The Experience Graph, and the Future of Human Capital Analytics by Shelly Blake-Plock of Yet Analytics
I’m a parent activist, not an educator or economist. But after reading and listening to a wide range of sources, I came up with the construct below. In the 18 months since I wrote it, many indicators seem to confirm this is where we are headed. I’d be interested in hearing your feedback and welcome comments explaining how this is all wrong.
Emily Talmage noticed a connection between ed reformers, those funding CBE, and student loan financing. I was thinking about it today, and I think I see how it will play out. Follow the money. Who stands to gain?
1. Move to the idea of online credentialing. Call it standards-based skills mastery, etc. Get everyone on board with CBE.
2. Break down old-fashioned notion of “seat time.” Everything is “student-centered” and self paced. You don’t really need true distinctions between high school and community college and four-year college and professional certifications. It’s all just one process of gathering up the “bits” of education required.
3. Collecting badges is seamless, and you just transition without any real breaks. If they can get rid of physical school buildings and Automated Education + Chasing Skills + Debt = Social Control – Wrench in the Gears: