This Is What The Resistance Looks Like: Steve Zimmer in LAUSD4
Trump’s been working overtime to enroll anti-cabinet members, a sort of Through-The-Looking-Glass collection of zombie-apocalypse advisors whose prerequisite qualification seems to be whatever their predecessors were not. Anti-intellectual, antithetical; an anti-professional Barbarian horde of ideological battering rams, poised for imminent despoiling of the public purse, and the public purpose.
Everyone knows the drill, it has been well-commented on already. What’s flummoxing us all still is the question:  how to beat back these privateers?
“Resist” is the catch-phrase du-jour, but it is a description, not a formula: Resist what, who/m, how??
Well, Steve Zimmer is clearly the anti-Trump choice of LAUSD 4.

An angry swamp of beauty
To resist Trump’s rogue cabinet of government deconstructivists, we must stand against those who would rebrand the public as private, who would catalyze the transformation of public Commons into private holdings.
We must stare down that ideology which would privatize social security, privatize postal service, privatize our public park service and lands, privatize corrections facilities and military operations, forsake public health to a profiteering, insurance-industrial complex, and deny science and public broadcasting the assurance of unbiased funding altogether.
And in insisting on that which is rightfully public, and accountable to us, we must likewise desist in denying the alchemy of public district schools transformed into public charter ones. Operating outside of the public eye, without public input and absent public accountability, these schools are public only in the narrow sense that they siphon funds which are public. They are the ideological stepsister of privatization. But their champions are This Is What The Resistance Looks Like: Steve Zimmer in LAUSD4 – redqueeninla: