How Defending Public Schools and the Environment Can Save the Democratic Party
by Cheryl Gibbs Binkley
Originally posted at:
There has been much speculation about the whys and wherefores of the recent election as to why the Dems lost and the Trumpers won, and there’s been much hand wringing behind the scenes (in between the can-you-believe-he-did-thats) about how the Democratic party will recover from the election. They are fragmented, they are mistrustful of one another, and they are scared.

Though there are some not so talked about ways we got to this disastrous place (hint: it’s by being more like the Republicans than like Democrats), I’d really like to present a clear option for getting out of the uncomfortably tight container where way more than half the country are crammed into a fraction of the legislative space.
All the people issues are good, and as soon as the Dems get back the state houses and Congress they can pay attention to all of them. But health care and immigration are going to be projects that are not easily solved, though we know we will have to fix them both. However, there are two other issues that can deliver the country on a plate to the party that realizes it.
Here’s the solution-- Take a firm and strongly progressive stand on Education and the Environment.
First Education-- Yes, Education, and not just free college and more preschools; though loan Badass Teachers Association: How Defending Public Schools and the Environment Can Save the Democratic Party by Cheryl Gibbs Binkley: