I’m Thankful for Real Public Schools!

With the DeVos selection, I thought I’d tweak and rerun an old Thanksgiving post. Here are a few of the things we should focus on instead of breaking up public schools.
Have a beautiful Thanksgiving! Enjoy your kids.
Thanksgiving can be a lonely time. It can be a time where problems appear worse, when you look around and see other happy people and Thanksgiving for you is marred by illness or loss.
For children, the problems facing adults, that they share, are magnified. Our public schools which accept all children should focus on these things. And they need and deserve well-qualified teachers who make teaching their career.
- What if, as a child, your parents are unemployed? Poverty affects everything you do.
- How do you handle Thanksgiving when your loved one is not sitting at the table? Whether temporary or permanent, the loss of a loved one during the holidays is rough.
- What if you are a child and I’m Thankful for Real Public Schools!: