The grifters of corporate ed reform: KIPP charter schools with the aid of the DOE

KIPP is a taxpayer-subsidized school franchise that pays no taxes on its revenue and provides a tax-deductible vehicle for uber-wealthy families to promote the school “choice” agenda.
KIPP charter schools has been touted in Washington State as the savior of all black children.
Among those people is the now State Representative (Charter School) Chad Magendanz who, while active in the Washington State PTA back in the day, sang their praises whenattempting to put a plank in the PTA platform on charter schools. (Also see: The Washington State PTA Convention: Be There.)
Others chimed in although year after year KIPP charter schools proved to be far less than perfect.
Of course, that didn’t stop the Washington State Charter School Commission, in their rush to get charter schools established in our state, from approving KIPP’s application to set up their green tent next to the highway.
Recently the following article was published by PR Watch and is well worth a read.

By Lisa Graves and Dustin Beilke
Charter schools are big business, even when they are run by “non-profits” that pay no taxes on the revenue they receive from public taxes or other sources.
Take KIPP, which describes itself as a “national network of public schools.”
KIPP (an acronym for the phrase “knowledge is power program”) operates like a The grifters of corporate ed reform: KIPP charter schools with the aid of the DOE | Seattle Education: