Marzano Says Detroit Contract Untrue. Reporter Proves It is.
A few months ago, I discovered an IP address in the list of referrers to my blog that linked to a private legal investigative firm in Ohio.
It struck me as odd, but I told myself that I was being paranoid and soon forgot about it.
This Sunday, the IP address showed up again. I posted two blog posts about Dr. Marzano over the weekend, and each seemed to have hit a nerve with teachers around the country. Very quickly, they garnered about 20,000 views.
This time, I wondered aloud if I should be worried about the IP address. Some said yes, others said no. One friend speculated that the firm may have been hired to build a libel case against me. Another wondered if perhaps they were “blog-chasers,” looking to gather clients by sending posts to high-profile individuals.
The following day, an email from Dr. Marzano was waiting in my inbox.
Dear Ms. Talmage,Someone sent your recent blog post to me. I assume you know that while you may state your opinions quite freely, falseMarzano Says Detroit Contract Untrue. Reporter Proves It is. – Save Maine Schools: