How did your state do? Finally, a report card for us!

We so used to hearing about the education-related report cards the corporate reform world is always giving out. Achieve just released its state-by-state “honesty gap” report comparing state test scores with NAEP national test scores. ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, gives the best report card grades to states that privatize schools, test students often, and fire a lot of teachers. These reports are simply not helpful, serving only to promote the anti-public education political agenda.
Fortunately, the Network for Public Education has brought a new and progressive perspective to this exercise in a report card founded on the values of public school allies. The grades in “Valuing Public Education: a 50 State Report Card” reflect the values that they and we believe in—stability in the teaching force, a rejection of high stakes testing, small class sizes, integrated schools, pre-school education, a recognition that poverty matters and of course a sound rejection of charters, vouchers and other forms of privatization.
While expressing a reluctance to give out a single overall letter grade, NPE does just that while inviting you to look more deeply into the report to see the various factors behind each state’s result. We do the same:

We note that many of our chapters’ and affiliates’ states score pretty low….
Go. Look. Share. Use.
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