California's Annual State Application for 2016

The California Department of Education (CDE), Special Education Division, completed its application for FFY 2016 federal funding under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as Amended in 2004, Public Law 108-446.
The state application is available for 60 days and public written comment will be accepted for at least 30 days prior to submission to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). Written comments will be accepted from February 15 to March 31, 2016.
The IDEA established the content for the state’s application. Section I is comprised of the state’s Submission Statement for Part B of the IDEA. Section II of the state application includes a series of assurances and certifications of federal policies as detailed by the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). In addition, the state application also includes a chart indicating the allocation of federal funds (Section III); a list identifying any rule, regulation, or policy that is state-imposed, not required by IDEA or Federal regulations (Section IV). Maintenance of State Financial Support (Section V) is not part of the eligibility requirement for the state. OSEP requires the state to follow this application process for funding.
- Section I - Submission Statement for Part B of IDEA and Section II - Assurances Related to Policies and Procedures(DOC; Posted 02-Feb-2016)
The state makes the assurances that it has policies and procedures in place as required by IDEA. - Section III - Description of Use of Funds Part B of IDEA (Posted 02-Feb-2016) and Excel Interactive Spreadsheet(XLS; Posted 13-Mar-2015)
The Excel Spreadsheet will be updated. The estimate of how the state intends to utilize these funds. The final FFY 2015 allocation will be available after the California Legislature passes, and the Governor approves, the 2015–16 state budget. Until that time, the FFY 2015 Use of Funds Part B of IDEA is a preliminary estimate. - Section IV - State Administration (Posted 02-Feb-2016)
List of state statutes, regulations, or policies that are state-imposed and are not required by the IDEA of 2004 or federal regulations. (Posted 02-Feb-2016) - Section V is not part of the eligibility requirement for the state. The state will provide the total amount of State financial support made available for special education and related services for children with disabilities by the most recent two State fiscal years (e.g. 2013–14 and 2014–15). At this time, the California Department of Education (CDE) has not calculated the final state special education apportionments for FY 2014 or 2015. Thus, the amounts shown for the Maintenance of State Financial Support for FY 2014 and FY 2015 are preliminary and based upon the most current certified special education appropriation amounts. Section V amounts will be provided later, when available.
Questions: Jeffrey Reyes | | 916-327-3684
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, February 3, 2016
California's Annual State Application for 2016 - Administration & Support (CA Dept of Education):