What Bill Gates has spent so far in our state to support charter schools

In response to my post on the Broad Foundation spending millions to force the Los Angeles Unified School District into converting at least 50% of public schools in the district into charter schools, a Seattle teacher posted the following.
All of the information cited can be found online at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Awarded Grants page.
Can you imagine how our public schools could benefit from such a largesse?
From my Facebook page:
Sounds suspiciously like the Gates Foundation spending at least $52,000,000trying to force charters down our state’s throat in the last three years. I recently looked at Gates grants, and these are the ones directly tied to WA (certainly there is other Gates funding directed at WA, but buried in other grants to national orgs, etc.) Just as in LA, this money goes to building charter infratructure and influencing the legislature and the public.
Summit Schools – to provide support to Summit Schools, CREATE [caps mine] Summit Washington and LAUNCH two charter 9-12s and one charter 6-12 – $8,000,000
Pacific Charter School Development, Inc – to support facility needs of WA charters – $4,000,000
Washington State Charter Assoc.- to support charters in WA – $6,350,000 (2014)
WSCSA – to build capacity for charters $4,200,000 (2013)
Puget Sound Educational Service District – consult on SpEd in charters – $250,000
PSESD – to support the development and implementation of and to provide back office support and operations support services for WA charters – $200,000
Craft3, Ilwaco WA (?!) – to support charter school facility development for low income children – $2,000,000
Washington Charter School Development, Inc, Seattle – to support the facility needs of What Bill Gates has spent so far in our state to support charter schools | Seattle Education: