Arne Duncan’s Former Spin Master: Lamar Alexander’s ‘Bipartisan’ Education Bill Locks in Common Core

The former assistant Secretary for Communications to U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan writes that ’s enthusiasm for his “bipartisan” education bill – one that supposedly prohibits the federal government from mandating the Common Core standards – is “shamefully misleading.”
Writing at the Chicago-based communications group Education Post, where he serves as executive director, Common Core supporter Peter Cunningham asserts: “[T]he new law that the senator from Tennessee is so proud of, the Every Student Succeeds Act [ESSA], now mandates the very thing he rails against.”
“Under the new law, every state must adopt ‘college- and career-ready’ standards,” he explains. “Thus, the new law all but guarantees that Common Core State Standards—or a reasonable imitation under a different name—will likely remain in place in most states.”
To conservatives and opponents of Common Core, Cunningham’s statement is not “news.”
Alexander – who refused to answer questions about Common Core while running in a primary race for his Senate seat in 2014 – made pushing through ESSA a priority when he took the helm of the Senate education committee. Back room deals among Alexander, ranking committee member Arne Duncan’s Former Spin Master: Lamar Alexander’s ‘Bipartisan’ Education Bill Locks in Common Core - Breitbart: