Connecticut ALERT: Malloy/Wyman Administration to punish schools and taxpayers for protecting parental rights

Last spring, in response to the State of Connecticut’s attempt to force students to take the unfair, inappropriate and discriminatory Common Core Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test, a scheme designed to fail the majority of children by testing them on content that they have not been taught, a significant number of Connecticut parents informed their local school districts that their children would not be participating in the SBAC testing scam.
While many local school administrators joined the Malloy/Wyman Administration’s effort to lie and mislead parents about their fundamental and inalienable right to refuse to participate in the testing program, some school districts did stand up on behalf of their parents and students.
Madison, E.O. Smith (Mansfield, Willington and Ashford -Region #19) and Stonington were among the high schools that told parents the truth and respected parental instructions. In each case, approximately 85 percent of high school juniors ended up opting out of the 11thgrade Common Core SBAC test.
But now Connecticut’s State Department of Education is striking back.
With the federal government yelping about the “high” number of parents across the nation Connecticut ALERT: Malloy/Wyman Administration to punish schools and taxpayers for protecting parental rights - Wait What?: