A prolific writer, Ravitch has authored 10 education-focused books and more than 500 articles in scholarly and popular publications. In her most recent book, Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America’s Schools, Ravitch points out her views on the shortcomings of the privatization of public education and outlines her position on how to preserve and improve the nation’s public schools.
During a visit to Omaha to speak to the Metropolitan Omaha Education Coalition, The State of Education in Nebraska had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Ravitch for an intimate conversation on her research and growing concerns about standardized testing, value-added measures of teacher quality, school choice programs, and their effects on the quality of and community support for public schools.

Look for more Dr. Ravitch videos in early January!
Dr. Ravitch's comments do not reflect the views of NET or The State of Education in Nebraska initiative.
A Conversation with Dr. Diane Ravitch | netnebraska.org: