PLEASE take a moment to review the facts about the U.S. Syrian refugee issue

A Personal note:
I appreciate that readers can hold very different opinions and I strive to respect the views of all my readers, including those who strongly disagree with me, even when they are delivered via a harsh email.That said, I also believe in former New York United States Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s observation that, “You are entitled to your own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.”With that in mind, I am asking my readers, on all sides of the refugees issue to become aware of the facts concerning President Obama’s declaration that the United States should accept 10,000 Syrian refugees over the coming year.
On Thursday, the Republican members of the United States House of Representatives, along with 47 Democrats including Joe Courtney (D-CT 2nd) and Jim Himes (D-CT4th), voted to stop that initiative. In response to that vote I posted Congressman Courtney and Himes – You have brought shame on our nation and our state, I can no longer support you
This is not a debate about whether we should and must do everything possible to stop PLEASE take a moment to review the facts about the U.S. Syrian refugee issue - Wait What?: