If we are to get Goldman Sachs out of ESEA, we will have to be the ones to do it.

-Bev Johns
If we are to remove/change Goldman Sachs Pay for Success in S. 1177, we have to do it.
The National groups to which we belong have decided to do nothing.
The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) generally decides “our” position on “our” issues. All major groups in our field belong to CCD.
CCD met last week on Pay for Success. They decided to take no position.
Not surprising since one of the Co-Chairs of the CCD Education Task Force is the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) which, through its membership in America Forward, supports Pay for Success.
CCD stated it has not seen the final language on Pay for Success in S. 1177 (nor has anyone else as it is now being written for release on November 30).
Of course it will be very difficult to change/affect any language in S. 1177 AFTER the bill is WRITTEN and ready for a final vote in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate, as the bill must pass both with identical wording.
Will YOU make a call to D.C. (per the message below)?
The concepts in ESEA have passed Conference Committee but the actual language in S. 1177 is now being written: S. 1177 is to be released to the public on November 30.
It is hard to believe that some members of the Conference Committee on ESEA (Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders) knew that Goldman Sachs Pay for Success is in S. 1177.
After all, only the words Pay for Success are there – no explanation that Utah is using Pay for Success to reduce identifications for special education by over 99 percent, or that Goldman Sachs is already being paid for this “success” for these “results” in Utah.
Or that in Chicago Goldman Sachs will be paid $9,100 each year for each child NOT identified as needing special education as a result of being in the Pay for Success program.
You can CALL the D.C. office of Senator Lamar Alexander, talk to a live person, strongly request to talk with committee staff about Goldman Sachs Pay for Success in S. 1177. If you do, assume they know nothing about how Pay for Success has been used in Utah, nothing about the New York Times If we are to get Goldman Sachs out of ESEA, we will have to be the ones to do it. | Fred Klonsky: